Commercial law

Our law firm provides legal counsel and representation to clients, i.e. to legal entities and sole traders that conclude and implement commercial contracts, especially pertaining to national and foreign civil, property, construction, tort, insurance and banking law. Clients are counselled on concluding and implementing contracts of sale, work contracts and contractor, sub-contractor and construction agreements. The contracts or agreements safeguard the position of the creditor – contracting entity, customer or contractor, supplier. Debtors are counselled on contractual relations and on enforcement if they fail to meet their obligations. If need be, the law firm seeks appropriate insurance, takes care of procedures related to concluding insurance policies, mortgages, suretyship insurances and insurances by means of bills of exchange and counsels on how to make use of enforcement drafts.

The law firm provides legal counselling and representation in all civil and enforcement proceedings before courts from first instance to the enactment of final judgement and by means of extraordinary judicial reviews before the Supreme and Constitutional Court.

The law firm claims reimbursement of damage to property or non-pecuniary damage sustained and seeks redress and insurance indemnities.

The law firm represents its clients in construction disputes, claiming payment following settlement situations and asserting claims with regard to construction faults.

On the basis of an authentic document, the law firm conducts commercial enforcements, lodges the European Enforcement Order and enforcements on the basis of a final judgement. The law firm conducts enforcements upon all assets of the debtor, especially funds, movable assets, claims and real estate, all via the e-enforcement (e-izvršba) portal. The law firm represents debtors in enforcement proceedings.

Examples of individual commercial law services:

  • representation in ordinary court proceedings,
  • lodging appeals for ordinary or extraordinary judicial reviews, including constitutional appeals and actions brought before the European Court of Human Rights,
  • bringing actions, filing pleas of defence, lodging applications and complaints,
  • representation in construction disputes,
  • claiming payment on the basis of settlement situations and construction faults,
  • representation in disputes arising from damage sustained,
  • representation in non-litigious proceedings under the Companies Act (ZGD-1) before courts – especially in proceedings pertaining to revoking the business conduct or representation entitlement of a partner; to allowing a partner to take over the company without dissolving it; to appointing or dismissing a liquidator; to appointing a founding, special, extraordinary, merger by acquisition and division auditor; to appointing or dismissing members of the Supervisory or Management Board; to authorising the convening of a General Meeting or to publicising the matter the General Meeting is to decide upon; to the right of any shareholder, partner or any interested person to information; to appropriate severance pay for minority or exiting shareholders; to allowance and monetary payment to external shareholder; to appointing a special or joint representative; to proposing a judicial review of the conversion rate,
  • representation in disputes between company partners and shareholders,
  • conducting enforcement proceedings on the basis of a final judgement or enforcement order (all in e-enforcement – e-izvršba),
  • conducting enforcement proceedings on the basis of an authentic document (all in e-enforcement – e-izvršba),
  • lodging the European Enforcement Order,
  • drawing up contracts of sale in national and international transport operations,
  • drawing up work contracts, commissioning or contractor or sub-contractor agreements,
  • drawing up construction agreements (on the basis of local and foreign legislation by the application of customary construction practices and FIDIC standards),
  • drawing up agreements for engineering services,
  • drawing up tenancy agreements,
  • drawing up acquisition of the right to ownership and building title agreements,
  • drawing up condominium agreements,
  • carrying out out-of-court settlements,
  • drawing up loan contracts,
  • drawing up debt assumption agreements,
  • drawing up assignment agreements, assignment of claims agreements,
  • drawing up contracts of suretyship,
  • drawing up contracts of issuing bills of exchange by means of declarations on the bills of exchange,
  • drawing up contracts that establish a lien or create a mortgage,
  • drawing up indemnification agreements,
  • drawing up assignment agreements,
  • drawing up debt recognition agreements, payment and debt cancellation agreements,
  • drawing up Management Board or Management Board member employment contracts,
  • drawing up leasing contracts,
  • drawing up donation and sponsorship agreements,
  • drawing up business collaboration agreements,
  • drawing up agency agreements,
  • drawing up administration agreements,
  • drawing up copyright contracts,
  • drawing up computer technology (software, hardware) provision agreements,
  • drawing up education agreements.