Enforcement law

Our law firm provides defence, legal counsel and representation to natural persons and legal entities party to enforcement proceedings.

Clients that act as creditors in enforcement proceedings are provided with legal counsel and drawing up of enforcement petitions on the basis of an enforcement order (enforceable judicial decision and court settlement, enforceable notarial record, other enforceable decision or document, ratified and published international treaty or legal act of the EU that is applied directly in the Republic of Slovenia and is laid down by the law as an enforcement order). Creditors are also provided with knowledge pertaining to lodging enforcements on the basis of an authentic document (invoice, bill of exchange or a protested cheque that includes a certificate of payment when this is required for the origination of the claim, a public document, extract from books of account authenticated by a responsible officer, private document authenticated pursuant to the law and document whose nature is that of a public document pursuant to special regulations). Initiated enforcement proceedings are regularly monitored, inquiries on any additional property of the debtor are made, the enforcement is expanded with additional enforcement measures and, if need be, the list of the debtor’s property is demanded. The law firm also actively collaborates with the appointed enforcement officers whenever enforcement against movable property is underway.

Debtors are protected by lodging appeals of debtors against enforcement orders, enforcement stay petitions and enforcement limitation petitions and attention is drawn to irregularities in the way enforcement is conducted.

The law firm is also actively involved in cross-border enforcement proceedings, i.e. when creditors make claims against debtors that hold property in another country. The law firm provides services and representation in proceedings under the Regulation creating a European Enforcement Order, Regulation creating a European order for payment procedure and the Brussels I Regulation that enable us to obtain attestation of enforceability in the country of origin, conduct Exequatur and obtain attestation of enforceability in the country of enforcement. In this area, the law firm has established proven collaboration with foreign legal representatives.

Interlocutory and preliminary injunctions are brought in insurance proceedings.

If the enforcement in question is inadmissible, the law firm draws up an inadmissibility action.

Examples of individual enforcement law services:

  • drawing up admonitions prior to enforcement,
  • drawing up enforcement petitions on the basis of enforcement orders,
  • drawing up enforcement petitions on the basis of authentic documents,
  • representation in enforcement proceedings,
  • representation in insurance proceedings,
  • drawing up interlocutory injunction petitions,
  • drawing up preliminary injunction petitions,
  • drawing up appeals of debtors against orders of enforcement,
  • drawing up appeals of third parties,
  • drawing up counter enforcements,
  • drawing up suspensions of enforcements,
  • drawing up stays of enforcement petitions,
  • lodging appeals for ordinary judicial reviews,
  • lodging petitions under the Regulation creating a European order for payment procedure,
  • lodging petitions under the Regulation creating a European Enforcement Order,
  • lodging petitions under the Brussels I Regulation.