Labour law

Labour law regulates employment relations, i.e. relations between employers and employees. Labour law is a broad area that is not merely subject to the Employment Act but also to collective agreements in place for various industries and companies and all other statutory regulations as well as internal acts of the employer. Labour law is an extremely complex and comprehensive area whereby counsel can only be provided to the individual if the attorney-at-law in question has detailed knowledge of the relevant area.

It is important that employers and employees seek assistance from an attorney-at-law before a concrete individual or collective labour dispute arises, as the correctness of the previously conducted proceedings is of essence.

Our law firm also provides specific labour counsel to general human resource departments of various companies.

The law firm counsels on all issues pertaining to employment, relations between the employer and employee, working conditions, conclusion of an employment contract and termination of employment. Employers are counselled on drawing up all internal acts such as collective agreements and all other work process related internal acts. Consequently, the law firm is involved in concluding employment contracts, drawing up various types of employment contracts and drawing up and assisting in the drawing up of internal acts. We are also involved in proceedings related to dismissal of employees, in drawing up dismissal programmes, counselling and drawing up of all types of terminations of employment contracts, in discussions prior to terminations of employment, in consensual and out-of-court settlements of disputes between employers and employees, in conducting disciplinary proceedings, in representing in judicial proceedings between employers and employees before labour courts in all cases related to employment, in representing in indemnity cases, in protecting against mobbing, in representing in proceedings that include monetary claims (applications for payment of wages, bonuses, allowances, redress, severance pays, etc. still not paid) and in counselling in inspection procedures.

The extensive experience of our law firm in commercial law provides our clients with additional safety and stability when it comes to labour law services.

The recently adopted Employment Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 21/2013; ZDR-1) has introduced a new provision that payrolls also constitute an authentic document on the basis of which an employee may lodge an enforcement on the basis of an authentic document without bringing an action and thus, if the employer does not contest the enforcement order, have their wages and other types of remuneration, that have still not been paid out, paid out faster.